Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Closure of YTS

       At the end, the summit was closed officially. The youth delegates summarized their action plans which they will take upon their returns. Then, it was the diploma handing sessions. WWF Russia gave us some pretty souvenirs. We also gave some nice souvenirs from our countries to our hard-working WWF officials and organizers. Without them, this summit wouldn’t be successful. Millions thanks to these generous people. 

                                                 ( Diploma handing session )
        At 2pm, it was our farewell lunch time which brought a big impression to all delegates. It seemed to be a special collection of the Russian food and they were amazing. Everybody appreciated it very much.Then, we had some cool performances and said good-bye to two of our Russian cute delegates. Most of the delegates played guitar and sang which was awesome. It was such a wonderful day ever.:)
I felt like time really flied. It seemed like we just got here but one day to go and then we would be home. 

                                                  ( Delicious Farewell Lunch )


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